About Montenegro

Montenegro is situated on the Balkan Peninsu­la and is on the south part of the Adriatic Sea. Montenegro is certainly one of the most inter­esting spots in the world. About 500km from Rome, 1,500km from Paris, and Berlin, and about 2,000km west from Moscow, Montenegro lies on the Balkan Peninsula in the very heart of Europe.

In spite of its small area, it is full of natural beauty, rich in the cultural and historical sights what makes Montenegro one of the most attractive tourist destinations. The coast of Montenegro, thanks to the temperature above 18°C during more than 6 months yearly, belongs to the hot­test and the sunniest tourist regions in Europe.

Montenegro is a typical mountain country, where the mountains above 1000 metres constitute 60.5% of the territory.

Montenegro offers numerous beaches, bays, in­lets and seacoasts you have always been dreaming of. Beauty of the southernmost world fjords, inlets of Bay of Kotor and beaches are surrounded by the limestone hills of Loven or Orjen. Mountains, the highest-lying hills of the Durmitor, Bjelasica or Visitor with hidden lakes, meadows and forests, with sharp peaks, varied flora and fauna and breathtaking rivers are parts of this wonderful region.

Tourism is an important contributor to Mon­tenegrin economy. Montenegro is well suited for development of all kinds of tourism, as it has both a picturesque coast and a mountainous northern region.

The Government of Montene­gro has set the development of Montenegro as an elite tourist destination and top priority. It is a national strategy to make tourism a ma­jor, if not the single largest, contributor to the Montenegrin economy. A number of steps were taken to attract foreign investors into Montene­gro's tourism industry.

Invest in your future!

About Boka Bay

Its capital and its places

About Budva

The oldest settlement on the Adriatic

About Bar

An ancient town

About Durmitor

The most exotic mountain summer resort